Prayer Meeting

Chinese Bible Church of Fairfax (CBCF) holds a prayer meeting once a month. Please join us in the vital ministry of giving thanks and interceding for the church, our land and world ministries.
Meeting time: Second Wednesday of each month, 7:15 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Please contact us for further detail.
Fellowship Group | Meeting Time | Description |
Mandarin Bible Study | Every Friday (7:45-9:30PM) | To study Bible, pray for one another and sharing in Mandarin. |
Mandarin Bible Study | Every Sunday (8:00-9:00PM) | Bible study tailored for new believers and seekers. |
Mandarin Fellowship | Second Friday of the month (5:30- 8:30PM) | To foster spiritual growth and to promote the authentic Christian fellowship that is called for in the Bible. We pray for one another, serve one another and spend time together in the Word of God. We welcome all Mandarin speaking families and/or singles to join our fellowship. |
English Men’s Group | Third Saturday of the month (10:00-12:00PM) | Join us for a time of study and fellowship, and as we share our joys and challenges with one another. |
English Fellowship | First Friday of the month (6:30-8:30PM) | In this fellowship, we study the Bible -Book of Mark; Our goal is to be deeply rooted in God and continually build up in Him. Additionally, we provide mutual prayer support to one another. |
English Bible Study | Every Tuesday except second Tuesday (6:30-7:30PM) | The purpose is to encourage and facilitate a personal heart changing relationship with GOD, through knowing his Christ, by studying the Bible, praying, and fellowship. |
English Communal Bible Reading | Every Friday morning (6:00-7:00AM) | The purpose is to read the entire Bible together as a group/community, word for word, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book. |
Sisters Group Prayer | Last Sunday of the month (12:30-1:30PM) | We come together to pray for each other need and pray for different Church ministries. |